Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Once there was a snowman…

We missed Nikkya today, and hope she has a wonderful time on vacation!!! Travel home safely.

Today we reviewed some of the letters that we have done so far. I have each letter drawn on a popsicle stick, and each  kiddo got to draw a stick and see what letter they were going to draw on the board.

Addisyn had an uppercase A, and Evelyn had a lowercase h


Bennett had a lowercase c, and Kaden an uppercase D


Cannon had an uppercase H, and Sayla an upercase E


Logan a lowercase g, and Deegan a lowercase f.


Miss Abigail had an uppercase A


We were actually reviewing Gg, and Hh. So that is what our worksheet was! They are all getting very good at doing the worksheet. I am so proud of them.

For our craft we made Snowman. They each had to cut out the circles, glue them on the blue paper. Then we pulled apart cotton balls so it looked like he was made of snow. Then you have to have a top hat, a scarf… buttons… eyes and a carrot nose!


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After snack we talked about the importance of BEING HAPPY!!!

We read this cute little book:


When it was over, I asked each of them what made them happy. Here is what they said:

Addisyn: “Playing with my Dad and Brothers.”

Evelyn: “Playing with David and Charlie.”

Sayla: “Seeing a ball.”

Deegan: “A bird in a cloud.”

Kaden: “Playing on Dad’s phone.”

Logan: “Going camping with Mom and Dad and my sister.”

Cannon: “Going camping with mom, dad and my brothers, and playing planets & zombies.”

Abigail: “Going camping with mommy and daddy.”

Bennett: “Swinging and Sliding.”

Hope you all have a HAPPY afternoon!!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

H is for…

H is for…

“Horse, House, Hippo, Hungry, Hot, Hat…” Those are just some of the words the kids rattled off when I asked if they could thing of something that started with the letter H.

Look at them practice both the Uppercase & Lowercase letters.

Abigail & Logan…


Deegan & Nikkya…


Saylar & Cannon…


Kaden & Addisyn…


Bennett & Evelyn…


After our worksheet I asked the kids what is black and yellow and goes bzzzzz? Of course these smart little tykes got it right off, that I was talking about a Bee. I asked why I would be taking about Bee’s when we were doing the letter H? It didn’t take them long to say Hive… I was very impressed. Then I asked them what is in a Honeybee’s Hive… HONEY!!! I can’t get anything part these smart little cookies.

So today for our craft. We made Houses…. Honeybee Hives, full of Honey combs. Didn’t they turn out so adorable?

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For free time today, I was excited that most of the kids were so excited when I pulled the puzzles out. Cannon was so excited with himself when he finished his super hero puzzle.



Abigail had snack today. It was the cutest little  heart shaped pb&j sandwiches and cookies! The kids were over the top excited about the cute heart shaped sandwiches! THANKS Abigail!!! We are so glad you are in our class!


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

G is for Giraffe…

Today was such a great day. Not for any particular reason, just that the kids were excellent, things went smoothly, and we had a lot of fun!!! I know I have so much to catch up on, and I hope to, but thought I would start with today!!!

Before I do that I want to introduce…

Abigail and Bennett

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I started watching these cute little ones last week. They have become part of our Preschool class, and have found there way into everyone's hearts very easily. They are loving the excitement, and all the fun activities. WELCOME TO SPARK PRESCHOOL Abigail & Bennett.

After our morning routine reviewing months, days, season, weather etc…  I introduced the letter Gg. The kids were excited to name aloud all of the words they could think of that started with G. Then we took turns writing on the dry erase board. Look at these G’s…






They all did a pretty good job practicing the upper and lowercase G’s on the worksheet. I can see a huge improvement with some of my younger kids, and it makes me so excited. They all have so much potential, and I love to see the growth in them.

It is no secret that Arts & Crafts is my favorite part of the day, and I think it is for most of my kids as well. Today we made Giant Giraffes! They are the cutest darn things. Can I just tell you how elated I am that most of the kids have there scissor skills down, and can cut out a picture! It makes me so excited. So excited. I know it is such a small thing, but such a HUGE step for me. I have to tell you, today Logan was wanting me to cut out his Giraffe head. I would reassure him that he could do it, and tell him that I wasn’t going to do it for him today. At one point he said “ I am going to be frustrated with you.” I laughed inside and told him… “You just keep trying, I know you can do it.” Well by the time he had his giraffe head cut out he was SO EXCITED that he accomplished it, and was grinning from ear to ear!!!



After our Giraffes were assembled, it was time to get “dirty”… Giraffes have spots, so what better way to add sport then to use our fingers. Bennett said “It’s like playing in the mud.”






THEY LOVED IT!!! I kept saying “Dip… Dot…” Most of them would repeat it with me, it was so cute.

After snack, it was upstairs for story time.


We read “My g Box.” I just love these books. I know I have said that so many times, but I really do. They are very interactive with the kids, and make them laugh, and smile.


For our Life Skill today we talked about the importance of stretching. Look at them stretch…


We sang while stretching… “I’m all made of hinges…,”  “Head shoulders knees and toes” and “I’m a little tea pot…”


